Electronic Cigarette and E-Liquid (their name for e-cig flavor liquids) maker has introduced a new way of communicating with the public, upping customer support to a new level along the way.
E-Cigs website features an intriguing Chat link in its menu that takes you to a log-in-or-register page which you should definitely sign up for even if you aren't already a customer because once you're in you can have live video chat conversation with an electronic cigarette specialist and representative.
You can't log in anytime, of course, but there are regularly scheduled sessions which any user can attend. If you miss one or want to review past chats, recaps or transcripts of the sessions are posted in the Volcano Forums to be perused as an informal FAQ any time after.
Besides the video chats and forums, the Electronic Cigarette site has all the usual FAQ and Why Choose information pages, is very attractive as well as easy to navigate, so just a visit is an aesthetically satisfying experience (has anybody every wondered why smokeless, cool, sexy e-cig makers brand their products and accessories with such fiery names and images? Just asking)
One final but most important note: Volcano is sponsoring a petition to Recognize electronic cigarettes as an effective alternative to smoking and support job creation in this new industry via its Facebook page which all vapers and smokers looking to go digital should sign, and today is the last day so sign away!
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